How to create a hotel-worthy bed with duck down pillows
Ah, the luxury hotel stay. We all dream of sinking into plush beds draped in crisp linens, slumbering under impossibly fluffy duvets, and feeling utterly refreshed. But what if we told you it's po...
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Copper pillows? 2024 bathroom & bedroom wellness ideas
Does your bedroom or bathroom leave you feeling relaxed? If not, you're not alone. A recent study shows that 64% of homeowners are interested in incorporating wellness features into their homes, an...
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A nap is a short period of sleep, usually taken during the day. Most mammals are polyphasic sleepers, sleeping multiple times within 24 hours. On the other hand, humans are monophasic sleepers, sl...
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Learn how to create your own sleep ritual
There are so many things that can prevent us from getting a good night's sleep. While most of us understand what we should be doing to help get our sleep back on track, the anxiety of not sleeping...
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Your purchases are making a difference
We understand that every business has a responsibility to act responsibly towards its team, the suppliers they work with and of course the environment they live in. From the success of the money r...
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Perfect for your home
Inspired products from our hotels range that have
been tried and tested by 1,000's of guests, that would be a perfect accompaniment to your home.